This piece is so beautiful, Rachel, and my mirror neurons are firing like effing crazy. I want to whip out my magic wand and take your suffering away (sadly my wand is still in the shop, multiverse supply chain issues, blah, blah blah). But without pain we lose the humanity of it all, the shared deepening of experience, of tolerance. Breathing. Being a Body. Which you've made into a gorgeous fractal. Thank you.

"...shift between the urgent heat of “my pain” and the cooler stability and solidarity of shared pain—pain that is universal, that is also experienced by others as part of the project of being human."

PS: The Angels in America mini-series is so beloved to our family.

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What a beautiful comment! Thank you Christine! I’m also pretty disgruntled about the multiverse supply chain issues, quantum foam clogging up the works, most likely, someone call the cosmic handyman. We’ll get that magic wand back to you in no time. It is a strange paradox, that our deepest experiences of connection are often accessible through portals of pain. And oh, I haven’t seen the miniseries, I will definitely check it out!

(I’m not sure if the internet ate my reply or I just don’t understand notes, but I don’t see it here so I’m reposting.)

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The play that changed my life...and sent me to do an MFA in theater! The expressionism is so beautiful.

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Aug 10Liked by This is Rachel

fwiw, the DVD is available on the Not Great place for under $20. jic you don't have it.

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Thank you. I do. LOVE Mary Louise Parker.

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Ah wonderful!

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Jun 14Liked by This is Rachel

I needed your post this morning. I’m back in bed whole body throbbing with burning pain. I love Angels in America, both the written play y the mini-series. I’ve seen the play in SF also.

Community y solidarity are essential!!! Sending healing love your way❣️💜💜💜💕💕💕

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Sending healing love back at you, and standing (well, lying in bed) with you in solidarity. I hope you get some ease as soon as possible ❤️ I bet it was amazing to see the play in person! Thank you for commenting 💖💖💖

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Aug 10Liked by This is Rachel

Thank you for this. I just bought Angeles In America dvd. It showed up in my Goodwill. (Living in Los Angeles is not my favorite but we do get some good stuff in our 2nd hand stores.) I saw it when it toured, my gf at the time took me to it as I had just left Los Angeles and moved to Connecticut and I had left my job as an end-stage AIDS nurse.

I have said more than once that it is totally unfair to have to go through two pandemics in one's lifetime, both ignored, both leaving victims no one seems to care about. This time around I'm one of the people in that category. Last time around I was one of the people who cared.

Thank you for the resources. I'm pretty much alone right now and have lost the community I once had with social media going so sideways. This will help.

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Jun 14Liked by This is Rachel

My brain is slowing down for the evening, but there’s so much recognition for me here. yes, pain is community, and I love me some Zofran!

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I know the feeling, and Zofran is pretty miraculous! Thanks for reading <3

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'I see you. I know this to be real' Sending gentle hugs and solidarity in pain. I needed this post too xx

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Thank you, friend! Sending them back to you, and so, so glad this resonated ❤️

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